Homepages of ISB Mailing List-members

Here are links to homepages of some of the members on the Incredible String Band Mailing List.
If you are a member and want your page linked from this site e-mail me

Singer-songwriter Dave Styles' Homepage (with RealAudio clip of an ISB cover)
Anders Bakkevold's Homepage
Mark Knott's Homepage
Ernie Black's Homepage
Folk musician Jay Ansill's Homepage
David and Chandrakantha Courtney's Homepage
Wolfgang Rostek's Homepage (with some of his paintings)
Singer-songwriter Dave Sterenchock's Homepage
Arturo Larraqaga Otaegui's ISB web page
Daniel Horne's vast ISB collection
Alexander L. Lauro's Homepage (with mp3 ISB covers)
Listen to celtic influenced music on list member Pamela Novick's page
Visit the homepage of listmember Jon Airdrie's band Beyond the Bars
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Email: jon.ronning@redcross.no